The Best Search Engines in 2019

fast search engine

For most of us, search engines are the gateway to the Internet. When we have a question, what’s the first thing we intuitively do? We Google it.

Good Website vs Bad Website

How can you tell if a website is good vs bad? It’s a combination of the way they elements that we’ll discuss in detail.

September 2015, Apple Announcement for new iPhone

New Apple Smart Phone San Francisco, once again will host announcement on new Apple Smart Phone, iPhone. September usually is the time to announce for iPhone new features and options. We are looking forward to see this new phone and follow that new competition between smartphone manufacturers, Who is the winner? consumer will judge

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 vs. iPhone 6 Plus

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 vs. iPhone 6 Plus With the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 coming out in 17 October, it is the perfect time to discuss a bit more about the Phablet , and try to pit it off against Apple’s newly released iPhone 6 Plus. Firstly, let’s focus on the design. The iPhone 6 Plus posses, like previous iPhones, a certain air of elegance. However, compared to previous iPhones, the iPhone 6 Plus is larger and has curved edges. The iPhone 6 Plus is also slightly larger than the upcoming Galaxy Note 4, yet not as wide and thick as the the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. It would only be fair, therefore, to conclude that the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 simply does not posses the same elegance that the iPhone 6 Plus has, with its faux leather covering the phablet’s backside. Apple has finally decided to feature a higher resolution: 1920 x 1080 resolution HD display (only found in the Plus, and not the regular iPhone 6). The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 takes the display game to a whole new frontier with the offered QHD resolution of 2560 x 1440. Samsung remains committed to providing a very clear, sharp and colourful imagery that is quite appalling to the eye. As for power, the iPhone 6 Plus’ 64-processing chip offers approximately 1.4 GHz, which is beaten by the Samsung Galaxy Note 4’s quad-core Snapdragon 805 processor, Qualcomm’s flagship mobile chip, which offers 2.7 GHz. The iPhone 6 Plus’s 8 megapixel camera now comes with optical image stabilisation (OIS), whilst the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 offers the same function, all the while sporting a 16 megapixel camera. Additionally, the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 offers 3 GB of RAM, where the iPhone 6 Plus only offers 1 GB of RAM. The iPhone 6 Plus, however, beats the Samsung Galaxy Note 4’s storage with upto 128 GB (compared to 32 GB), however the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is able to mount a microSD card of upto 64 GB at a time.

The iPhone 6 Plus allegedly bends in pockets

Does your new iPhone 6 Plus bends too? The new iPhone 6 has been criticized by Android lovers as being far behind the mobile phone race, but nothing so far has perhaps challenged Apple’s new iPhone 6 Plus series more than its rather peculiar (and totally unwanted) tendency to get easily bent by just being stored away in a pocket. The smaller 4.7 inch iPhone 6 model is generally seen as more endurable to the iPhone 6 Plus. A video uploaded by Lewis Hilsenteger of Unbox Therapy shows how prone the iPhone 6 Plus is to applied pressure. Apple is yet to reply to the issue raised by a small, yet increasingly growing number of iPhone 6 Plus users reporting the curving properties of the iPhone 6 Plus. Till then, owners of the iPhone 6 are advised to invest in robust protective cases so as to prevent their phones from getting bent in their pockets.

Samsung Bashes Apple

Samsung Bashes Apple Samsung Telecommunications has started aggressively mocking the new iPhone. Samsung has been launching campaigns targeting new Apple products for years now, and the recent announcements declaring that the iPhone 6 is inferior to Samsung’s own products has not therefore come off as any form of surprise. Samsung has, arguable, even increased their aggressiveness a wee bit this time around. Samsung has, over the years, made videos mocking Apple fanboys/fangirls waiting in hours-long queues, waiting to get their hands on new Apple products, made posters comparing the iPhone 5 with the Samsung Galaxy S5 whilst giving the caption: “It doesn’t take a genius,” more videos bashing the iPhone and the iPad, and even more videos bashing the iPhone and the iPad. Here are some example: Watch Videos in : Mocking Videos

Know about iOS8 the New Operating System

What do you know about iOS 8? The iOS 8 came out on 17 September 2014, with the new operating system supporting iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPod Touch (5th generation), iPad 2, iPad (3rd generation), iPad (4th generation), iPad Air, iPad Mini (1st generation), iPad Mini (2nd generation). The iOS 8, whilst not graphically changing the look and feel of the aforementioned devices, added several features that can generally be seen as rather useful. These new features include the incorporation of SwiftKey, a keyboard app that predicts what word the mobile phone user is trying to type in, based on the user’s known syntax and diction, improved notifications centre, added capabilities to the Photos and Camera apps, HealthKit, wifi-calling (a service that allows the user to make phone calls over wifi networks, as opposed through the traditional carrier phone call services), etcetera. Apple has been critically criticised by its consumers over the large quantity of storage needed in order to update to the iOS 8. Almost 6 gigabytes of storage is required to download and install the iOS 8. Upon installation, it takes up more storage than iOS 7, on average an extra 740 MB on iPhones and 1.03 GB on iPads. In terms of security, the iOS 8 has been praised for making interactions with apps encrypted, meaning that Apple itself cannot access or intercept the exchange of information. “On devices running iOS 8, your personal data such as photos, messages (including attachments), email, contacts, call history, iTunes content, notes, and reminders is placed under the protection of your passcode,” Apple wrote on its website. “Unlike our competitors, Apple cannot bypass your passcode and therefore cannot access this data. So it’s not technically feasible for us to respond to government warrants for the extraction of this data from devices in their possession running iOS 8.”

The Internet of Things and Security Risks

The Internet of Things and Security Risks The Internet of Things is the concept of gadgets and smart devices becoming connected together through a digital network, allowing easy and remote access to these said devices. These devices would also interact with one another to a large extent, allowing, for example, the wall-mounted clock to send in a request to the coffee-maker to start mixing you up a cup of café au lait, all the while your microwave starts preparing your breakfast and your thermostat turning the air-conditioner off as you leave the comfort of your duvet. The problem with the Internet of Things is, primarily speaking, the fact that the vulnerabilities that devices connected to the network share. In most cases, if one device were to be hacked — which is relatively easy, seeing as how some devices can be hacked by simply knowing the residence’s IP address — then all the other devices can easily be hacked. The biggest concerns are hacking televisions’ microphones and security cameras. The BBC put up an experiment recently to see how vulnerable the Internet of Things truly is. Eight experts were assembled. The conclusion of the experiment? All devices were hacked by these experts rather easily. With most of them, if you can connect to it you can own it,” said head of security research at Sophos, James Lyne. If anything, these concerns and flaws should be resolved first and foremost, if there is any hopes of a safe transition to using these devices and the Internet of Things in the future.

iPhone case threatens credit card security

[vc_row][vc_column][cz_title id=”cz_58345″ cz_title=””] iPhone case threatens credit card security [/cz_title][vc_column_text] If you are using FLIR better think twice, iPhone case threatens credit card security In a previous blog, I wrote on how FLIR Systems has been building iPhone 5 cases that offer thermal imaging features to the iPhone. Whilst law enforcers use thermal imaging to locate criminals, criminals seem to have had taken a liking to the thermal imaging features made available by FLIR Systems. Through the use of the specialized iPhone case, criminals are able to steal a credit card’s pin codes. When you enter your pin code at the check-out in the supermarket, the next customer can use the thermal imaging feature available on their iPhone case to easily and covertly take photos of the keypad used to enter your pin code. There they find heat signature residues left behind by you when you used the keypad to enter your pin code. By consulting the thermal images of the keypad, a criminal can reproduce the pin codes used with a success rate of 80%, assuming that the thermal image was taken within a minute of it last being used. Security analysts suggest that we must all just merely touch as many keys on the keypad as possible whilst entering our pin codes, to ensure that those looking to steal our pin-codes fail.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Apple’s Upcoming Lighting Cable with Reversible USB Plug

Apple Lighting Cable Hear ye, hear ye: Apple’s Lightening cable is around the corner! Have you ever heard about Apple’s Upcoming Lighting Cable with Reversible USB Plug? New charger will continue on Apple’s legacy of providing iPhone and iPad chargers and cables that do not posses any “right” or “wrong” sides. Apple’s chargers are perhaps some of the easiest to use thanks to the reversible USB plug feature, allowing Apple product users to easily plug in their devices without must hassle and struggle, even in dim-lighted situations. Australian blogger Sonny Dickson, who has reviewed Apple products before they hit the stores, posted a photo of the upcoming Apple Lightening cable with Reversible USB Plug. The existing Lightning cable can plug into an iPhone or iPad in any way, but the latest design will bring the feature to both ends of the cable. The Lightening cable comes days after Apple Daily published articles rumoring the details of the larger iPhone 6L.