Largest e-Book, Amazon Digital Library

Amazon Reveals Digital Library Service

Amazon is thought to be one of the largest e-book suppliers in the world, with close to a million titles being offered. In an effort to better compete against rivals such as Apple’s iBooks, Amazon now offers a new service, dubbed “Kindle Unlimited”, that basically opens up a digital library to clients for $9.99 per month.
kindle-white-touch-2015-announce-01-450x269Kindle Unlimited has promises access to 600,000 books in the Kindle reading library that members can read on their Kindle tablets, iOS and Android phones and tablets, and on Windows and Mac desktops and laptops. The service also includes unlimited access to 2,000 audio books from Audible, a digital audiobooks supplier that has partnered up with Amzon for a while now.
The digital library service includes famous book series such as the Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings series, The Hunger Games series, The Princess Bride. However, the service does lack some famous book series such as A Song of Ice and Fire.